Help Cancer Patients Get on the Road to Recovery and "Purple Your Profile" for World Cancer Day

Feb 04, 2014 EST


Purple is the color of cancer survival. In the past 60 years the number of people surviving a cancer diagnosis has improved from one-in-three, to two-in-three, due in large part, to advances in science. But now the American Cancer Society is setting its sights on a much lower-tech, but fundamentally crucial barrier to improving survivor rate

Lack of transportation can be a significant barrier to staying on track with cancer treatment. Patients are often too sick to drive themselves and the demands of work and family life may make it difficult for caregivers to drive the patient to all the treatments the patient may require.

The Cancer Society now has a Road to Recovery program that provides transportation for patients who need timely treatment. Long-time sponsor, Chevrolet, has an initiative called Purple Roads to help build awareness and funding for the program.

Chevrolet is donating one dollar for every Facebook or Twitter user who changes the color of their profile photo to purple - purple of course, being the color of cancer survival - up to a total of one-million dollars. An estimated 3.6 million of us delay or have difficulty obtaining needed medical care because of a lack of affordable transportation. Chevy's "Purple your Profile" campaign in association with the Cancer Society and National Cancer Day, is hopefully the beginning of reducing that number. 

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