Europe must do more to reduce inequality between men and women

Mar 10, 2015 EDT

Strasbourg, 10th of March. Today in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted with a large majority - 441 in favour, 205 against and 52 abstentions - the annual report on gender equality written by Belgian Socialist Marc Tarabella.After the vote, Marc Tarabella declared:"A couple of days after International Women's Day, we are still far from equality."We will have to wait until 2034 to reach wage equality and until 2038 to reach an employment rate comparable to men. It is now urgent to go beyond just words. Gender equality must be an integral part of all EU policies."Today's vote absolves last year's report which had been rejected by the European Parliament on the abortion issue. I'm glad that MEPs could rectify this reaffirming the rights of women to control their own bodies." 

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